[\<1] - 80 Column Double Star Report [\<2] - 132 Column Double Star Report [\<3] - Word for Windows (Double Star Data File) [\<4] - 80 Column Double Star Log Report [\ SPACE(10) .AND. mNAME$UPPER(NAME) .AND. mSTAR$UPPER(STAR) .AND. CONST=mCONST .AND. RA-nFAC<=mRA.AND.mRA<=RA+nFAC .AND. DEC-nFAC<=mDEC.AND.mDEC<=DEC+nFAC .AND. MAG1-nFAC<=mMAG1.AND.mMAG1<=MAG1+nFAC .AND. MAG2-nFAC<=mMAG2.AND.mMAG2<=MAG2+nFAC .AND. SEP-nFAC<=mSEP.AND.mSEP<=SEP+nFAC .AND. PA-nFAC<=mPA.AND.mPA<=PA+nFAC .AND. mSPEC$SPEC .AND. YEAR-nFAC<=mYEAR.AND.mYEAR<=YEAR+nFAC .AND. ADS-nFAC<=mADS.AND.mADS<=ADS+nFAC .AND. mCLUBS$UPPER(CLUBS) .AND. mNOTES$UPPER(NOTES) SET FILTER TO &cD .AND. dDATE_1<=LOG_DATE .AND. LOG_DATE<=dDATE_2 SET FILTER TO &cD Press [ESC] to return to main menu... cDBL_INDEXf CTIME DDATE M_SCR CORDER NORDER CDBL_INDEXNINDEX FNFILE DEXPLSWAIT FNTALK _INDEXNAME MNAME MSTAR CONST MCONST MMAG1 MMAG2 MSPEC MYEAR MU2000 U2000 MTIRION TIRION CLUBS MCLUBS CNOTES MNOTES DBLLOG DDATE_1 DDATE_2 PRINT1 PRINT2 PRINT3 PRINT4 CDATAPATH NFORM_NDX ?? &cPR_DEF bESC =.T. ?? &cPR_DEF ?? &cPR_BON Page F 80 Column SAC Double Star Report Date is Double Star Filter is ?? &cPR_BOFF Name: Star: Constellation : M->CONST L.S.T.: Right Ascension : F 99.9999c Azimuth (DDD.MMSS):F 999.9999c Date: Declination :F 999.9999c Altitude (DDD.MMSS):F 999.9999c Time: Magnitude of Primary: F Magnitude of Secondary: Component: Separation: F Position Angle: Spectrum: Year: F ADS: U 2000 : Clubs: Tirion 2000: Notes: cPRNf * * * Report Interrupted by User * * * ?? &cPR_DEF Number of Printed Records = F CFILE NCOUNT NPAGE NPR_MAX NRPT_ROW NRPT_MAX INDEXDDATE DEXLST CTIME INDEXDMS AL_AZ U2000 FNU2000 TIRION FNTIRION MU2000 MTIRION CDBL_NAME CONST FLD_DES CLUBS T_ROW NOTES CGIFPATH CPR_GIF PRINT_GIF THERM ?? &cPR_CON bESC =.T. ?? &cPR_BON Page F 132 Column SAC Double Star Report Date is Double Star Filter is RA Mag1 Comp PA Year Tirion Name Star Const Dec. Mag2 Sep Spec ADS U2000 Clubs ----------------- ----------------- --- ------- ---- ----- --- ----- ---------------- ---------- ?? &cPR_BOFF F Notes: * * * Report Interrupted by User * * * ?? &cPR_DEF Number of Printed Records = F CFILE NCOUNT NPAGE NPR_MAX NRPT_ROW NRPT_MAX INDEXDDATE DEXLST CTIME INDEXDMS AL_AZ U2000 FNU2000 TIRION FNTIRION MU2000 MTIRION CDBL_NAME CONST CLUBS T_ROW NOTES THERM CONST U2000 TIRION NOTES CLUBS bESC =.T. Number of Printed Records = F CFILE NCOUNT DDATE CTIME NDEXCLST DEXNRA INDEXNAZ AL_AZ U2000 FNU2000 TIRION FNTIRION MU2000 MTIRION CONST NOTES NNOTES CLUBS THERM ?? &cPR_DEF bESC =.T. ?? &cPR_DEF ?? &cPR_BON Page F 80 Column SAC Double Star Log Date is Double Star Filter is ?? &cPR_BOFF Name: Star: Constellation : M->CONST L.S.T.: Right Ascension : F 99.9999c Azimuth (DDD.MMSS):F 999.9999c Date: Declination :F 999.9999c Altitude (DDD.MMSS):F 999.9999c Time: Magnitude of Primary: F Magnitude of Secondary: Component: Separation: F Position Angle: Spectrum: Year: F ADS: U 2000 : Clubs: Tirion 2000: Log Date: F Log Time: Log Date: F Log Time: Notes: cPRNf DELETE FILE &cGIF * * * Report Interrupted by User * * * ?? &cPR_DEF Number of Printed Records = F CFILE NCOUNT NPAGE NPR_MAX NRPT_ROW NRPT_MAX NDEXDDATE DEXLST CTIME INDEXDMS CNAME CSTAR AL_AZ U2000 FNU2000 TIRION FNTIRION MU2000 MTIRION DBLLOG CDBL_NAME CONST FLD_DES CLUBS LOG_DATE LOG_TIME T_ROW NOTES CGIFPATH CPR_GIF PRINT_GIF THERM PRINT PRINT1 PRINT2 PRINT3 PRINT4 D:\SKY\SAC\ SACPR2.FXP D:\SKY\SAC\SACPR2.PRG